Recent Drainage Projects


Argenta, IL

We installed this 440-acre system on 100’ spacings to improve field conditions and increase crop yields in Friends Creek Township during the Winter of 2021.

Arcola, IL

Per our client’s request, we installed this pattern-tile system on 40’ spacings at the end of Summer 2021 in Seven Hickory Township.

M A N S F I E L D , I L
This 760-acre mutual project kept us busy in Blue Ridge Township during the ‘23-’24 tiling season - here you can see us installing a pattern-tile system near I-74.

M A N S F I E L D , I L
In November 2023, we installed dual-wall pipe on a project and had to remove a significant amount of overburden to achieve proper depth.

F O R S Y T H , I L

In February 2020, we worked with DIGS Associates to complete this mutual drainage project just west of Forsyth, IL. This work involved 4 different landowners and required 3,700’ of 30” tile.

M A R O A , I L

Our crew installed this 8” main tile just north of Maroa in Summer 2022. We came back to this farm in the fall to tie in 4” laterals to complete the pattern-tile system.